Monday, November 11, 2013

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Linking words, connectors


Full list. with categories and translation in Spanish

Full list.

Full list in .pdf with translations in Spanish


Exercise  1: all types. Three-answer choice.

Exercise 2: all types. Three-answer choice.

Exercise 3: all types. Three-answer choice.

Exercise 4: all types. Ten-answer choice (from Tolearnenglish)

Exercise 5: all types. Ten-answer choice.

Exercise 6: web page with LOTS OF exercises on connectors.

Intensifiers: very, really, extremely...

Explanation 1: in Spanish

Explanation 2: in English, with an exercise.

Explanation 3: in English, with an exercise.

Exercise 1

Friday, November 1, 2013

The Definite Article THE

Explanation 1: Spanish

Explanation 2: with a table

Explanation 3: with exercises

Exercise 1: easy. Choose THE or nothing.

Exercise 2 choose THE or nothing.

Exercise 3: Choose THE or nothing.

Exercise 4: Choose THE or nothing.

Exercise 5: choose THE, AN, AN or nothing

Exercise 6: choose THE or nothing. (intermediate)

Exercise 7: matching exercise.

Exercise 8: choose A /AN /THE

Sequencing your ideas: first, after that, later...

Explanation 1:

Explanation 2

Exercise 1:

Exercise 2: a variety of exercises